EA rolt FIFA 13 patch uit de komende dagen


EA zal vandaag een patch voor de PC-versie van FIFA 13 uit gaan rollen. De update moet diverse problemen gaan oplossen in de game. De console versie verschijnt dit weekend. Het gaat om fixes in de FIFA Ultimate Team modus, de online matchmaking functie en de Career mode.

•Connection stability in Online Seasons when finding an opponent in the Arena, and at kick-off.
•Career Mode freeze while starting a new career with free agents.
•Career Mode hangs when using Game Face.
•Stability in Career Mode when players retire or are being bought back from loan.
•Users will no longer be able to lower difficulty settings in a FUT Seasons match.
•Freeze in FUT Online Tournament HUB on PS3.
•Napoli of Serie A will now have fully authentic kits and crests in FIFA and FIFA Ultimate Team.
•Legacy defending and passing assistance options removed in Pro Clubs.
•Freeze in Pro Clubs Results screen.
•Matchmaking settings in Pro Clubs (with “ANY” and “Match Keeper”) will provide the desired results.
•Changes made in National Squad not properly reflected in Manager Mode screen.
•(PC Only) Freeze while retrieving Hospitality Settings.

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