Dual Screen verandert in een NES-controller


Elke dag verschijnen er weer schitterende modificaties en nu is alweer de NES console uit de oude doos gehaald. De Dual Screen handheld is dan ook vrijwel helemaal veranderd naar een NES controller. De maker die zichzelf Hatrix noemt wist het volgende over het knutselwerk te vertellen:

I took apart the entire DS, sanded off the paint and rubbed it down with brasso to give it a nice polished finish. Then I got a NES controller, carefully took off the face logo and touched up the odd bits with my girlfriends nail polish on the inside. I didn’t have to paint it as the DS case is naturally light grey. I cut some black vinyl then using an exacto knife, cut the details out of that. I went for the style of the original DS with the black middle, but didn’t quite get there.. still it looks pretty good. I cut the button holes in the top of the lid and stuck the NES buttons and Start and Select buttons through, but the Directional Pad I simply glued on with super glue.

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