DICE geeft SDK niet prijs


In een recent interview met developer DICE is gebleken dat men geen SDK uit te zullen geven, hiermee wordt het mogelijk gemaakt om modificaties in de game toe te passen. De enige manier om een beetje aan de game te sleutelen is de Battlefield 2 editor die bij de game zou zitten.

What are your thoughts about creating a Steam-like program for distribution of your game(s)?
[DICE] Interesting idea.

Any plans for a music theme like the one you did in BF: Vietnam, or was that just in conjunction the spirit of the game?

[DICE] No, we’ve got all original music for BF2.

What is the biggest change you had to make to improve team play?

[DICE] Scoring and kit balance. One of the things we’ve noticed in our playtests is that there is no über-kit. The kits reflect the BF philosophy of paper-rock-scissors with strengths and weaknesses in each kit.

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