De februari-update van Civilization VI is nu beschikbaar


De februari-update is vanaf nu gratis beschikbaar voor iedereen die in het bezit is van Civilization VI en biedt enkele wijzigingen in de balans, update changes en een nieuwe functie, zoals een scenario, gamemodus of aanpassing. De update van deze maand bevat de optionele gamemodus Barbarian Clans, de Leader Selection Pool en een aantal AI tweaks en balansaanpassingen. De details van de februari-update kun je hieronder in het Engels lezen.

In addition to balance and update changes, each game update includes a new feature, such as a scenario, game mode or customization. This month’s update includes the Barbarian Clans optional game mode*, the Leader Selection Pool and several balance adjustments and additional changes based on player feedback.

Barbarian Clans is a new optional game mode that completely changes how players will interact with the Barbarians. Driven directly by player feedback, gameplay with Barbarians has been greatly expanded beyond the standard kill-or-be-killed option. This mode introduces six Barbarian Clans that can be found living on or near different map conditions, each specializing in a different type of unit. Barbarian Clans accumulate progress each turn to convert to a city-state; players will be able to help or hinder their progress.

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