Anatech spreekt over de PS3 en de xbox 360


Anatech een bekende P.C. hardware site had eens even wat rond geinformeerd en op de basis van de hardware op papier een vergelijk opgesteld over de PS3 en de xbox 360. opmerkelijk was dat deze “analyse”
weer van de site is gehaald. Waarom dat werdt niet bekend gemaakt.Toch licht ik even een paat punten uit hun rapport.

The important improvement with the next-generation of consoles is that the GPUs have been improved tremendously.
With 6 – 12 month product cycles, it’s no surprise that in the past 4 years GPUs have become much more powerful.

“IBM’s pitch to Microsoft was based on the peak theoretical floating point performance-per-dollar that the Xenon CPU would offer, and given Microsoft’s focus on cost savings with the Xbox 360, they took the bait.

Right now, from what we’ve heard, the real-world performance of the Xenon CPU is about twice that of the 733MHz
processor in the first Xbox. Considering that this CPU is supposed to power the Xbox 360 for the next 4 – 5 years,
it’s nothing short of disappointing.

While the developers we’ve spoken to agree that heavily multithreaded game engines are the future, that future won’t really take form for another 3 – 5 years. Even Microsoft admitted to us that all developers are focusing on having,
at most, one or two threads of execution for the game engine itself – not the four or six threads that the Xbox 360
was designed for. “

The Cell processor doesn’t get off the hook just because it only uses a single one of these cores; the SPE array ends up being fairly useless in the majority of situations, making it little more than a waste of space.

“Both consoles are marketed to be much more powerful than they actually are, and from talking to numerous game developers it seems that the real world performance of these platforms isn’t anywhere near what it was supposed to be.

It’s not all bad news however; the good news is that both GPUs are quite possibly the most promising part of the new consoles. With the performance that we have seen from NVIDIA’s G70, we have very high expectations
for the 360 and PS3. The ability to finally run at HD resolutions in all games will bring a much needed element to
console gaming.

One of the most important changes with the new consoles is that system memory has been bumped from 64MB on the original
Xbox to a whopping 512MB on both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. For the Xbox, that’s a factor of 8 increase, and
over 12x the total memory present on the PlayStation 2.

Wel werdt nog fijntjes opgemerkt:

“The article is still all speculation and nothing has been confirmed.”

De geruchtenmolen draait volop, ik trek hier nog geen conclusies uit.

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