Alle verbeteringen in PES 2009 op een rijtje


Konami heeft bekend gemaakt via de PESFAN welke veranderingen in Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 allemaal voor zouden komen. Het gaat om de nodige veranderingen, waaronder het tactische vermogen van spelers, dat zich nu beter aanpast aan de situaties binnen het veld. Daarnaast reageert ook de bal realistischer dan voorheen en kun je meer diversiteit aan tackles creëeren. Hoe langer je ditmaal de tackle-knop indrukt, hoe grover de charge zal zijn. Ook kan de stuiter van de bal effectiever benut worden. De gehele lijst met veranderingen ziet er als volgt uit:

Close control more intuitive:
• Manual cursor control
• Adjusted trick control for easier control – more within natural control parameters than via special movements

Ball movement more realistic:
• Ball has always been treated as separate entity, but 2009 has new air resistance calculations for trajectory of ball
• Instant control. Buttons presses are no longer stored, making for a crisper playing style
• Heavier foot-in tackles, depending on the length X is depressed
• New friction routines to affect ball movement in terms of ground conditions
• Backspin routines calculated so ball slows accordingly
• The bounce of the ball can be used more effectively: players can flick the ball up to tee a shot, or to lift it over a defender’s trailing leg
• Skills are now integrated more into the game. If a player has the ability, they will be able to perform deft turns others cannot and will be able to feint and shimmy within the confines of the control system
• Player has to compensate for heaviness of ground when weighting passes in wet conditions or frozen ground

Teamvision enhanced
• Tactics change according to situation
• Better off-the-ball movement – running to receive passes, etc
• AI recognizes strategies that work and accumulates data on an ongoing basis within Master League and League modes

• Graphic depiction of weather conditions unique to each stadium
• Much more detailed lighting effects that mimic the time of day more closely
• Key new grounds like Wembley, in total about 20 stadiums
• LED hoardings (PS3 and 360 versions only)
• All new players models in game: everything reworked for additional detail
• Specific new animations to make the game flow more: players now stumble, place a hand down so as to keep running

• New vertical camera, allowing end-to-end view including ‘Player Focus’ zoom, panning in on key one-on-one situations
• New distance drawing techniques using adjusted chromatic fields

Front End – Menus
• All new, clearer menu system
• Match stats now on sub-menus if required
• Much improved music choice

• In addition to the importation of graphic data, music and crowd chants can also be added
• Pixel Paint function allows users to create team badges from scratch

Game Modes
Become a Legend:
• New long-term mode sees player guiding one player to glory
• Control the destiny of a midfield/striking star
• Player works within team structure, akin to popular ‘Fix’ mode – assisting play, scoring goals, etc
• Default vertical view
• Dedicated development data for player as game progresses
• Full range of transfer opportunities: but fail to play well and you will be demoted to bench or even transferred
• Based on popular Japanese mode, first time in Europe

• Online version of ‘Become a Legend’
• Use player created in solo mode
• Play online with other ‘fixed’ position friends
• Intricate play and teamwork rewarded with PES points
• Upload finest moments for others to view and rate

Master League
• More intuitive menus
• Easier to understand two-tier negotiations: team level and individual terms
• Loyalty: players unhappy with terms, etc, will not play as well. A happy player will play better

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