Age of Empires met Hollands glorie


In het langverwachte derde deel in de Age of Empires reeks zit een Nederlands tintje. De reden hiervoor is dat in de tijd tussen 1600 en 1900 de Nederlanders niet stil hebben gezeten. Buiten Nederland zit ook Duitsland erin. Als je nog geen fan was van de game, moet je hem maar eens gaan halen als het spel in de winkels licht, al gaat dat nog wel even duren. Hieronder een klein interview over de game:

Of the eight civilisations in the game, so far you’ve announced the Spanish, British and French. Are you willing to throw us a bone and reveal other nations and their particular strengths in the game?

Greg Street: By the time you read this, we will have announced the Dutch, Portuguese and Germans as well. That leaves two unannounced civilizations. We’re not ready to divulge them yet, but soon. All of our civilizations play more differently than their equivalents in AOK. Most civilizations have some twist to their economy.

The Dutch, for example, have fewer Settlers than other civilizations, but they can build Banks to help power their economy. The British can produce Settlers more quickly than other civilizations, and they are also the best at raising Sheep. Because of the Home City feature, you can customize your civilization to a remarkable degree. The British have strong heavy infantry and cavalry. You can choose to emphasize those traits in your Home City, or you can try to make the British more well-rounded by improving other types of units.

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