Soul Calibur voor de Xbox 360 afgeblazen?


Er gaan felle geruchten dat Soul Calibur III niet naar de Xbox 360 console zal gaan komen. Zo vinden we op Joystiq een bericht waaruit dit zou blijken.

In the latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, it was rumored that Soul Calibur III would be making its way to the Xbox 360 as a special edition next spring, with “prettier scenery… and at least one or two exclusive characters,” but probably no online play. (What—even with next-gen Live?)

Contrary to this hearsay, however, comes word from that Namco reps who have spoken to the series creator specifically about this issue have denied any plans for a 360 version of SCIII, special edition or not.

Rumors are rumors, but prospective 360 owners who love their 3D fighters are hoping the Soul series creator is seriously out of touch this time (or simply very good at keeping secrets). SCIV wouldn’t be a bad consolation prize, though.

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