Silent Hunter III krijgt GOLD status


Na lange tijd is het zover, de game Silent Hunter III is GOLD gegaan en dus klaar voor productie. Het spel zal op een DVD gaan verschijnen voor de pc en zal rond de 45euro gaan kosten (in Amerika 40 dollar). Silent Hunter is in principe alleen voor de fans van de 2e wereldoorlog, het spel heeft vooral betrekking op de submarine en speelt zich dus vooral op zee af.

The latest title in the Silent Hunter franchise will add new dimensions to the simulation experience, where players will assume the role of U-boat commander, become immersed in a dynamic ocean environment and experience the intensity of WWII submarine warfare. The all-new 3D engine features impressive details such as historically accurate U-boat models that recreate the oppressive interior atmosphere and compelling exterior environment. From the captain’s cabin to the swelling seas, these U-boats feel like the real thing.

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    calebSeptember 5, 2007would you mind emailing out your mario imgaes? i really loved them and i won’t post them. we had a few up at work on the walls (the sad luigi one, actually).

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