Screen van nieuwe map Half-Life 2 mod Insurgency


Omdat het veteranendag in Amerika is hebben enkele ontwikkelaars van de mod Insurgency voor Half-Life 2 hard hun best gedaan om een nieuwe map te produceren. Het betreft de map ins_fallujah.

For Veterans Day here in the US, we felt it appropriate to release a teaser of the map ins_fallujah. This map is being created by our talented level designer Jonny Phive and is being dedicated to his best friend’s brother who served as a Sniper/Corpsman in the 2nd Force Service Support Group of the II Marine Expeditionary Force. Allen Espiritu was killed in action by an Improvised Explosive Device in Iraq. The team spreads their condolences to Allen’s family and friends, and to all families and friends of loved ones who have paid the ultimate price while serving their country. We thank those who have served, and currently serve in the armed forces of the free world. Thank you.

De eerste screen van deze map is inmiddels al uitgekomen:

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