Revolution onderscheidt zich op andere manieren


Denk niet dat Nintendo veel aandacht heeft voor mensen die zomaar even een mailtje sturen naar Nintendo America, want iedereen zal de volgende standaard gegenereerde mail terug krijgen:

Our competitors would have you believe that the next generation of gaming will be solely defined by high definition graphics. High definition graphics look fantastic, but come at a price. To shine, high definition games must be played on high definition televisions, which aren’t cheap. Games with high definition graphics are expensive to develop because they must be developed in both standard and high definition formats. Those development costs are passed on to you in the form of more expensive software. Finally, playing games with high definition graphics requires a system with loads of RAM and costly high-end graphics chips, both of which make it prohibitively expensive for most consumers.
Sharper graphics are certainly part of the next generation. We know that games for the Revolution will look brilliant whether played on a standard television or on a high definition television. However, is that all there is to next-generation gaming? We feel that sharper graphics should be combined with a new way to interface with the game itself. Our controller is a sharp departure from the current standard, to be sure, but it will provide a level of interactivity you can’t get currently.

We believe in providing a single system that can play not only the previous generation’s titles, but also games from a massive library built over 20 years of creating innovative and exciting games. We also believe in providing a complete wireless online experience right out of the box.

Nintendo has created a gaming system that is sleek and compact in size, powers up quickly with minimal load times, makes game development easy and fast, is easy to use, and is affordable for everyone. We are confident that gamers and non-gamers alike will support the truly next-generation experience only Nintendo can provide. Once you have a chance to play games on the Revolution, we think you’ll agree!

Nintendo of America

Of terwijl: Nintendo zal komen met een next-gen console die zo kort mogelijke laadtijden zal krijgen, snel opstart en in een compact formaat zal gaan verschijnen. Daarnaast zullen de games binnen korte tijd geproduceerd kunnen worden door developers, iets wat dus (misschien) ook voor EA aanleiding was te kiezen voor Nintendo.

Daarnaast zegt Nintendo ook dat high-definition graphics duur zijn. Uiteraard zijn de graphics van games belangerijk, maar men wil wel iets hoogstaands brengen. Niet alleen in de vorm van grafisch hoogstaand geweld, maar ook door een nieuwe manier van interactie en een nieuwe interface. Iets dat we eigenlijk al wisten, maar hierbij nogmaals de bevestiging.

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