Revolution in voorjaar 2006?


Volgens sommige fora en de Japanse game-site Quiter zou Nintendo al in het eerste kwartaal 2006 met de Revolution komen, dit gerucht is nu een eigen leven gaan lijden en wordt door bijna alle gamesites opgepakt. Ik hang er geen conclusie aan maar ga mee met Gamespot in deze, alle geruchten op een rijtje. Gamespot heeft een prachtig item hierover geplaatst, ze noemen het rumorcontrol:

RUMOR : A leaked teaser poster for the Nintendo Revolution reveals it will launch in March 2006.

Source: A slew of forums which trace back to Japanese game-site Quiter.

The official story: US Nintendo reps declined to comment on the poster.

What we heard: One of the few facts Nintendo has made official about the Revolution month is that it will ship in 2006. However, that 365-day-long release window has sparked much speculation. Since the company divulged so few details at its E3 press conference, the majority opinion was that the console is not very far along in development and will probably launch in Q4 2005. That said, some industry insiders believe it may ship sooner than expected. The latter theory got some additional ammo this week, when what looks like a Revolution teaser poster hit the Web. Written in English, the all-black poster bears the tag line “THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX,” over the sentences, “A NEW EXPERIENCE IS COMING” and “THE REVOLUTION STARTS MARCH 2006.” Underneath is an outline of the Revolution’s distinctive front, with the control buttons below the DVD drive’s long blue LED–the same blue as the words “BOX” and “REVOLUTION.” At the poster’s bottom is the official seal of approval, a red-and-white Nintendo logo. While professional-looking, the poster does raise a few red flags. Its design looks eerily reminiscent of the PlayStation 3 teaser posters Sony plastered E3 with, and its uninspired tagline could be thought up by a ad-agency intern. It’s a little obvious, even for Nintendo. But if the poster is legit, then the Revolution will likely ship before the PlayStation 3’s “Spring 2006” launch, implying a Q2 release. It would also mean that Nintendo could soon stage a surprise demonstration of the power of its fully operational next-gen console, blindsiding skeptics and energizing the faithful. But unless you’re a devout Nintendan, one image isn’t enough to go on, even though such a scenario would further liven up an already exciting 2005.

Bogus or not bogus?: We’ll see in the coming months.

De posters waar ze op doelen zijn de volgende:


Nintendo Revolution:

Photoshop werk? Waar of niet waar? Wie het weet mag het zeggen.

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