Peter Moore van Microsoft over de MGs4 trailer


“Damage-control” van Microsoft, net als bij de E3? Wie het weet mag het zeggen. Peter Moore sprak zich uit over de MGS 4 demo van de TGS bij GameIndustry.Biz.
Je leest het hier:

Short of securing exlusivity over Final Fantasy, nobody expected Microsoft to blow Sony out of the water at Tokyo Game Show; not only is it the company’s home turf, but Xbox 360, despite significant improvements in Japanese support, still has a ways to go establishing itself.
Still, who could have known Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots would make such a splash? The slickly cut trailer even acts as designer Hideo Kojima’s commentary on the console wars, pointing out the PlayStation 3’s Cell processor as the key advantage over the competition.

Microsoft, however, isn’t so sure. “Cell processor or not, when I look at the technical specs, I don’t see anything that concerns me overly from a performance point of view,” said Peter Moore, corporate VP of worldwide marketing and publishing for Xbox in an interview with GameIndustry.Biz.

Moore’s response seems more sidestepping than anything else, but he goes on to emphasize Microsoft’s mantra about launching ahead of Sony. “Quite frankly, having the ability to move first in this space, I think, provides us with the opportunity for a huge advantage,” he continues.

In fact, Moore suggests the commentary may actually be an admission of weakness from Sony about the hardware. “The fact that they feel the need to have Snake tell you that it’s powerful, that could be seen as a sign of worry, or weakness, potentially,” he says.

Ultimately, though, it appears Microsoft’s relying on gamers coming to their own conclusions than anything else. “Gamers are a very smart bunch, and gamers who still haven’t seen a PS3 or seen one played, will make the determination. The English expression is, the proof of the pudding is in the tasting,” he says.

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