Official Nintendo Magazine beoordeelt Mario Party en Scribblenauts


Het Official Nintendo Magazine heeft weer diverse games beoordeeld. Het gaat om onderstaande titels:

Mario Party: Island Tour (3DS, Nintendo): 60%
Scribblenauts Unlimited (Wii U, Warner): 69%
RUSH (Wii U eShop, Two Tribes): 68%
One Piece: Romance Dawn (3DS, Namco Bandai): 35%
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know! (Wii U, D3): 40%
3D Super Hang-On (3DS eShop, Sega): 80%
3D Sonic the Hedgehog (3DS eShop, Sega): 83%
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Wii U Virtual Console, Nintendo): 94%
3D Space Harrier (3DS eShop, Sega): 69%
3D Ecco the Dolphin (3DS eShop, Sega): 54%
3D Galaxy Force II (3DS eShop, Sega): 61%
3D Altered Beast (3DS eShop, Sega): 23%
Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby in 8-bit Land (3DS, D3): 39%

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