Nieuwe firmware voor de Wii U brengt quickstart menu


Nintendo heeft nieuwe firmware uitgerold voor de Nintendo Wii U console. Versie 5.0.0 van de software brengt onder andere een nieuw quickstart menu. Hiermee kunnen gebruikers sneller games laden vanaf het menu. Spelers kunnen simpelweg tappen welke game ze willen spelen en dan hun Mii selecteren waarmee ze het spel in willen gaan. De gehele changelog is als volgt:

Wii U system update 5.0.0

New Features:

•A Quick Start Menu is now displayed when users press the GamePad POWER Button or HOME Button to power on the Wii U. Users can start recently played or newly installed software directly from the Quick Start Menu. The Quick Start Menu is only displayed when the Wii U GamePad POWER or HOME Buttons are pressed. Other controllers, such as the Wii Remote Plus and Wii U Pro Controller, will continue to power on the Wii U

•Wii U GamePad Alerts (special notifications from Nintendo) can be displayed on the GamePad when the Wii U is powered down. Users will be notified with an audio ringtone when a new GamePad Alert is displayed. GamePad Alerts that have been received can also be viewed through the Quick Start Menu. Wii U GamePad Alerts are different from the notifications received via the Wii U Notifications feature. Wii U GamePad Alerts settings can be changed via Power Settings located in System Settings
Changes to Standby Functions:

•System updates will now automatically install after download when the Wii U is in Standby
Changes to the Wii U Menu:

•The User Settings screen now displays when users select their User Mii from the Wii U Menu

•The design and layout of the Users Settings screen has been updated

•This includes the ability to switch the active user from the User Settings screen
Changes to System Settings:

•Quick Start Menu options have been added to Power Settings

•Wii U GamePad Alert options are located within the Quick Start Menu options
Changes to the HOME Menu

•A Notification icon is now available on the HOME Menu, allowing users to launch the Notifications feature from the HOME Menu
Improvements to system stability and usability:

•Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

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