Minigame feature en screenshots Canis Canem Edit


Zojuist kregen we 6 nieuwe screenshots binnen van de game Canis Canem Edit, beter bekend als Bully. Op de beelden zijn de diverse minigames te zien die in de game verwerkt zijn. Deze zullen verschijnen in de vorm schoolvakken die je zult moeten volgen aan de Bullworth Academy. Als je deze vakken met een goede beoordeling volbrengt zul je nieuwe mogelijkheden verkrijgen, zoals het maken van stinkbommen in het scheikundelokaal.

De bijbehorende screenshots zijn te vinden in onze Canis Canem Edit gallery

De volledige tekst van het bijgesloten (Engelse) bericht was als volgt:

Bullworth Academy pride themselves in rigidly sticking to the curriculum at all times, to this end consistent truancy will result in punishment. The esteemed staff of the Academy, though occasionally questionable in their recreational habits, ensure that the pupils have a firm grounding in the key academic subjects. Alongside the strict principals of loyalty, trust and ruthless ambition that are ingrained in every pupil in the academy by the principal Dr Crabblesnitch, core subjects include English, Gym, Shop Class, Photography, Art and Chemistry. Each subject comprises a series of five tests to be passed with flying colors. Of course on passing each test a due reward, in the form of gameplay features will be earned by the player. Bullworth Academy’s educational system is provided through a host of exciting and innovative mini games lovingly developed by Rockstar Vancouver to accompany the main storyline of Bully.

Chemistry classes involve the creation of complex chemical compounds through intricate button combinations pressed in a timely manner. Through the school year Mr. Watts will test students in the lab, good marks will earn them the formula for items such as firecrackers, stink bombs and itching powder.

Bullworth Academy imbues students with as much hunger for cultural pursuits as they have for academia. Art classes provide the students with the skills to produce works eligible for adorning the most prestigious of gallery walls. A refreshing take on a much loved classic puzzle arcade game fits the bill perfectly for this class.

Gym class is the perfect arena for Bullworth Academy students to develop the grit and determination needed to claw their way to the top of the pile. The highly finessed and easy to use combat system is gradually unlocked through some serious wrestling matches and passionate games of dodge ball.

Advanced photography techniques can lead to Jimmy being equipped with the latest technology to take snapshots all over Bullworth town and increase his ability to take photos for the school yearbook.

With 30 years of teaching under his belt, Mr. Galloway feels confident enough to let his classes run themselves through challenging word scrambles from which the player must create as many grammatically precise words as possible to expand his vocabulary.

Shop Class
Only by understanding how machines function can we truly grasp their value to humanity. Focusing on the mechanics of the BMX, keen attendance at shop class can amount to significant improvements to one of the player’s prime modes of transport.

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