Echt slim is de heer Thompson niet volgens mij. Hij graaft namelijk ditmaal ver in het verleden en zegt dat al vanaf de jaren 1972 mensen zichzelf of andere van kant maken door het gamen. Zo noemt hij enkele memorabele voorbeelden die zouden hebben geleid tot stomme momenten waarvan games de schuld zouden zijn. Dat ze in de jaren 90 elkaar al de koppen in sloegen vanwege een potje Mario Kart op de SNES, dat gelooft toch niemand?..
* January 29, 1980: a man under the influence of narcotic “power pellets” was arrested after eating four people within ten seconds. He later testified that he was “going for the high score.”
* September 8, 1985: a mentally unstable hunter was apprehended for shooting at several dogs in his neighborhood, claiming that they were laughing at him. Fortunately no dogs were injured, as they were invincible.
* February 4th, 1994: a young woman was arrested for attempted murder after freezing several people and using their bodies to reach high ledges. For whatever reason, many officers originally believed the suspect to be male.
* October 21st, 2005: the movie Doom was released in theaters. There were no survivors.