Flinke kortingen op toppers voor de Xbox Series en One


Deze week is het Black Friday. Microsoft doet uiteraard mee en er zijn de nodige kortingen te vinden. Het gaat inmiddels om 70+ games die korting hebben gekregen. Het gehele overzicht kun je hier bekijken. Beneden vind je een deel van het overzicht:

Before We LeaveSpotlight Sale20%
Bound By FlameDeals With Gold80%
Brothers In Arms: Hell’s HighwayDeals With Gold60%
Bully Scholarship EditionDeals With Gold60%
CupheadDeals With Gold30%
Duke Nukem ForeverDeals With Gold80%
Faery: Legends of AvalonDeals With Gold80%
Grand Theft Auto IVDeals With Gold65%
Grow UpDeals With Gold60%
Hunt: ShowdownDeals With Gold55%
Lonely Mountains: DownhillSpotlight Sale33%
Mafia IIDeals With Gold75%
Midnight Club: Los Angeles CompleteDeals With Gold33%
Red Dead RedemptionDeals With Gold67%
Rockstar Table TennisDeals With Gold60%
Sid Meier’s Civilization RevolutionDeals With Gold75%
SteamWorld DigSpotlight Sale75%
Streets of Rage 4Deals With Gold50%
The Darkness IIDeals With Gold80%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell BlacklistDeals With Gold60%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos TheoryDeals With Gold60%
Tom Clancy’s The Division Gold EditionDeals With Gold70%
Watch_DogsDeals With Gold60%
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