Firmware update voor PlayStation Vita


Morgen is het eindelijk zo ver, de PlayStation Vita is dan ook in Europa beschikbaar. Dat betekend dat nog voor de Europese lancering er al een nieuwe firmware update is verschenen. Het gaat om versie 1.61 welke de volgende vernieuwingen met zich mee brengt:

A new application, (Maps), has been added to the home screen.
In addition to photos, you can now take videos using the Photo application.

You can now publish stories about the products that you rate in PlayStation Store to Facebook.

In near, players’ information is now displayed on the Discoveries screen. On this screen, a list of the online IDs of up to 100 players that you have encountered, and the number of times that you encountered each player, are displayed. Tap an online ID to display that player’s profile screen.

The Mac OS version of Content Manager Assistant for PlayStation has been released. The Windows version has also been updated.

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