Far Cry Instincts shots


Far Cry Instincts is voor de pc inmiddels al een hele tijd uit, maar de Xbox versie laat nog steeds op zich wachten. Tijd dus om deze wachtende en misschien wel gefrustreerde mensen weer eens wat te tonen van dit spel.

Just as Far Cry redefined the First-Person Shooter genre for the PC, Far Cry Instincts will take things a step even further with its wide open environments and unique immersive gameplay elements. Developed by Ubisoft’s renowned Montreal studio, Far Cry Instincts takes the PC version’s signature locations, Full-Action Response A.I. (F.A.R. concept), and unprecedented view-distance, and combines them with improved gameplay scenarios that will challenge players to utilize an even broader range of strategies and survival tactics to uncover the many secrets within the beautiful, but deadly islands.

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