EA geeft details rondom inhoud Orange Box patch 1.10


Gisteren verscheen de update voor The Orange Box voor de PlayStation 3. Inmiddels heeft EA bekend gemaakt wat de exacte verbeteringen precies inhouden. Onder andere memory leaks zouden nu niet meer voor moeten komen, waardoor de singleplayer stabiliteit omhoog gegaan zou moeten zijn. Daarnaast zijn ook in het online segment nog enkele verbeteringen aangebracht.

– Fixed a graphical issue whereby a player would have the explosion effect left on the end of their Rocket Launcher when attempting to Rocket Jump.
Fixed a memory leak to improve single player stability.

– Fixed an issue whereby the players name would not appear on the Stats comparison screen.

– We have fixed an issue that would cause the vote tallies to disappear when you viewed the scoreboard between rounds.

– Fixed an online server issue.

– Fixed an issue that caused a crash when a player that wasn’t in Division 1 entered ‘Your Leaderboards.

– Fixed an issue with players not always being added to the ‘Players Met’ menu on the XMB.

– Fixed a bug where a player viewing a friend without an EA account would have an empty entry in the friend’s Leaderboard.

– Fixed an issue where it was not possible to connect to the EA servers if you had more than 30 friends.

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