Destiny de meest gedownloade PS4 game in de Store


Sony heeft bekend gemaakt dat de game Destiny de meest gedownloade PS4-game is geweest in de PlayStation Store in 2014. GTA V volgt op plek 2 en Call of Duty vinden we logischerwijs ook in de top 3.

PS4 Games

1) Destiny
2) Grand Theft Auto V
3) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
4) Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition
5) The Last Of Us Remastered
6) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
7) Battlefield 4
8) inFAMOUS Second Son
9) Watch Dogs
10) Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

PS3 Games

1) Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition
2) Grand Theft Auto V
3) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
4) Destiny
5) Battlefield 4
7) Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
8) Need for Speed Most Wanted
9) South Park: The Stick of Truth
10) Terraria

PS4 Add-ons

1) Destiny Expansion Pass
2) Call of Duty: Ghosts – Onslaught
3) Battlefield 4 Premium
4) Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below
5) Call of Duty: Ghosts – Devastation

PS3 Add-ons

1) Call of Duty: Ghosts – Onslaught
2) Call of Duty: Black Ops II Apocalypse
3) The Last Of Us Left Behind
4) Call of Duty: Black Ops II Vengeance
5) CoD: Black Ops II Nuketown Zombies Map

PS Vita Games

1) Sword Art Online -Hollow Fragment-
2) Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
3) Killzone: Mercenary
4) Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
5) FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster
6) Terraria
7) Need for Speed Most Wanted
8) The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
9) Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
10) Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate

PS Classics

1) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
2) Crash Bandicoot
3) Crash Bandicoot 2
4) Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED
5) Bully
6) Spyro the Dragon
7) CTR: Crash Team Racing
8) Legend of Dragoon
9) Final Fantasy VII
10) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

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