Counterstrike: Source en Source engine krijgen update


Valve blijft hun games maar voorzien van patches, want vandaag werd er weer een patch gereleased voor Counterstrike: Source en de bijbehorende Source engine. De patch zorgt ervoor dat SourceTV kan worden gebruikt, de bots worden aangepast en de engine krijgt wat kleine aanpassingen. De update wordt automatisch binnen gehaald bij het starten van Steam. Hier de lijst met aanpassingen:

Counter-Strike: Source:
– Enabled support for SourceTV
– Fixed a rare bug that caused some bullet impacts to be counted twice
– Improved map overview support
– The message of the day file is now required to be in the main game directory
– Fixed an issue with player names being out of sync with the server
– Fixed “purple checkerboard” problem for Message of the Day scrollbars
– Fixed some localization issues related to player chat
– Death notices are no longer displayed while blind
– Death notices retain the correct team color even if the player quickly changes teams
– Bots immediately change their names to match the bot_prefix when it changes
– Bots join dedicated servers immediately if the bot_quota is nonzero
– Fixed bug where bots would repeatedly fail to join with an invalid Steam ID
– Added mp_logdetail at the request of server administrators

Source Engine:
– Player sprays now persist through round restarts. The number of rounds a spray survives is determined by r_spray_lifetime
– Fixed a bug causing the first message from a plug-in message to be colored incorrectly
– Consistency checking is now skipped during demo playback
– Added sv_visiblemaxplayers
– Fixed timing precision error causing slower framerates on servers running continuously for more than a few days

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