Aries weet meer over de Revolution


Aries heeft vandaag laten weten dat er waarschijnlijk rond het einde van deze dag meer info over de Revolution zou gaan verschijnen van Nintendo, Aries is namelijk een soort van dochterbedrijf van Nintendo. Men maakte het volgende nieuws bekend:

May 19th, 2005 at 12:50 pm
Don’t listen to these fakes. If you look at my post you can find something in them that shows that i am the real Aries.

About the Revolution. It will be revealed today.I told you don’t discredit me right away. Be patient and wait. If you been paying attention to the nintendo news during this E3 the clues are there. The system has been shown behind closed doors today and has the exclusive rights for revealing the system. If IGN does not launch the Revolution site tonight then that’s on them. I figured they will post all the new info tonight. The reason nintendo did not show the revolution during their press conference was because it is a system better to be experienced rather than seen. People who see it will pass it off as a gimmick but people who play it will fall in love with it. Wait for IGN to show the world the Revolution. If they don’t tonight then i don’t know what to tell you, beleive me or not. This is my last post. Here is my last hint to what the revolution is since IGN won’t even know yet. It is not VR or holograms but it does bring your eyes into a new world like never seen before. check google.


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