2 Black & White screens


Vandaag zijn 2 nieuwe screenshots van de langverwachte game Black & White 2 verschenen, nadat gisteren bekend was geworden dat de game ook op de DS en de PSP zal gaan verschijnen heeft men nu besloten eens wat te laten horen van de pc versie, de screens zijn als volgt:

– Ability to wage war or secure peace New Epic Miracles including Earthquake, which rips the world apart, and volcanoes, which rise out of the ground creating rivers of lava.
– The game environment changes based on the player’s personality.
– Multiple trainable creatures including the Ape, Cow, & Lion; and the five tribes Of Aztec, Greek, Egyptian, Japanese and Norse.
– Weapons and technology that players can create including archers, swordsmen, siege weapons and walls which the player can paint down in any design they wish. Controllable armies
– Ability to create settlements that as well as including housing, crops, and impressive buildings, also includes structures based on your alignment, like fountains and beautiful gardens if you’re Good, or stocks and guillotines if you are Evil.
– Multiple tools with which players can teach creatures new tricks, including: sticks, whips, feathers or tools the player creates.
– Weather systems such as: rain, snow, mists and fog.
– Journey through 10 lands homing each of the 5 tribes.

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