EPIC antwoordt op problemen rondom VGA-problemen GOW


Iedereen die bij de game Gears of War gebruik maakt van een VGA kabel die aangesloten is op een 4:3 of 5:4 LCD monitor krijgen antwoord van EPIC. Er wordt namelijk gewerkt aan een patch voor het spel. De VGA-bug is onder andere ook bekend bij Project Gotham Racing 3 en The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, maar leidt tot nogal wat klachten bij de gamers. Mark Rein schiet echter te hulp met een fix waarover men momenteel in beraad zou zijn. Hij zei het volgende over de oplossing:

Good news folks. We think we’ve fixed the VGA aspect ratio issue. This still has to go through testing and then certification but provided we didn’t mess anything else up by making this fix it should be in the next update. I can’t predict when this update will be released because we’re still working on a few other things for the update and, as I said earlier, it needs to go through the cert process. As soon as we have a good idea when that will be, and what ended up making it into this update, we’ll publish some information about it on this forum.

I would also like to apologize to our VGA cable non-widescreen users that we didn’t catch this before the game came out. We used VGA cables quite extensively to drive HD resolution LCD monitors but the monitors we used in-house were widescreen models which, as you probably already know, were not affected by this. We’ve added a non-widescreen monitor to our in-house test lab and we’ll be sure to test all future Xbox360 releases on that monitor.

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